What is reflexology?

Used in India, China and Egypt for thousands of years, reflexology was brought to the attention of the medical profession in 1915 and was introduced to England in 1966.

It is an ancient form of massage which can be applied to your feet, hands or face. Reflexology on the feet works on the 72 thousand nerve endings that exist there.

By massaging specific points on your feet it will promote natural balance in your body and restore it's energies.

By bringing the natural balance throughout your body it allows it’s own natural healing forces to take over. Thus helping your body to heal itself.

Reflexology is a complementary therapy, which helps to heal you as a whole person not just your prevailing symptoms.

How can reflexology help me?

Reflexology can be used to help restore and maintain your body’s natural equilibrium. This gentle therapy encourages your body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance.

Reflexology has been shown to be effective for:

  • Back Pain
  • Migraine
  • Infertility
  • Arthritis
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Sports injuries
  • Digestive disorders
  • Stress-related conditions

Reflexology does not claim to cure, diagnose or prescribe.

Who can benefit from reflexology?

Reflexology is suitable for all ages and may bring relief from a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. After you have completed a course of reflexology treatment for a specific condition, many people find it beneficial to continue with regular treatments in order to maintain health and well-being.

While many people use reflexology as a way of relaxing the mind and body and counteracting stress, at the same time many doctors, consultants and other health care professionals recognise reflexology as a well established, respected and effective therapy.

With ever increasing levels of stress, it is important people take more responsibility for their own health care needs. Reflexology helps us to cope on a physical, mental and emotional level thereby encouraging us to heal and maintain health in all areas of our lives.

What happens when I go for treatment?

On the first visit, you will receive a thorough consultation during which we will discuss your present and past health and lifestyle.

I will then use my hands to apply pressure to the feet. The application and the effect of the therapy is unique to each person.

A professionally trained reflexologist can detect subtle changes in specific points on the feet, and by working on these points may affect the corresponding organ or system of the body.

A treatment session lasts for about one hour. A course of treatment may be recommended depending on your body’s needs.

How will I feel after a reflexology treatment?

After one or two treatments your body may respond in a very definite way.

Most people note a sense of well-being and relaxation; sometimes people report feeling lethargic, nauseous or tearful, but this is transitory and is a part of the healing process.

It is important that you feed back your after-treatment feelings to me as it shows how your body is responding to treatment. This will help me to tailor a treatment plan specific to your needs.

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